Guo Wei Xing Plastic’s Reinforced CZ-Style Anti-Riot Shield: A Synthesis of Protection and Innovation

Guo Wei Xing Plastic is proud to present the FBP-TS-GR03, a round reinforced CZ-style anti-riot shield that epitomizes the fusion of high-quality materials and cutting-edge design to offer unparalleled protection for law enforcement personnel.


Material Excellence

Our anti-riot shield is crafted from premium polycarbonate (PC) material, renowned for its:

•  High Transparency: Ensuring clear visibility without compromising safety.

•  Lightweight Nature: Providing ease of maneuverability.

•  Flexibility: Allowing for better resistance against impacts.

•  Durability: Withstanding the rigors of use in various conditions.


Design Innovations

•  Double Panel Protection: The shield features a double-layered construction, enhancing its ability to withstand external forces without deformation.

•  Metal Edge Design: A robust metal border fortifies the shield’s perimeter, offering additional strength and structural integrity.

•  Ergonomic Grip: The handle is ergonomically designed for a secure and comfortable hold, crucial during high-stress situations.

•  Vibration-Absorbing Backboard: The backboard is engineered to absorb vibrations from impact, reducing the strain on the user.


Performance Capabilities

•  Impact Resistance: Our shield is rigorously tested to resist not just thrown objects and sharp instruments but also the extreme temperatures resulting from instantaneous gasoline combustion.

•  Adaptability: It is suitable for a variety of operational scenarios, providing reliable protection against diverse threats.



The FBP-TS-GR03 anti-riot shield by Guo Wei Xing Plastic is more than a defensive tool; it is a commitment to safety and quality. Designed to meet the demanding needs of law enforcement, our shield stands as a bastion of security in tumultuous times.If you are interested, please contact

Post time: May-27-2024